1 Apr 2024 | 【MEMBER】A graduate student (M1) and two B4 students have joined our team. info >> |
1 Apr 2024 | JSPS KAKENHI Specially Promoted Research "Towards Ultimate Subaru: Galaxy formation history probed by deep near-infrared imaging with wide-field adaptive optics" (PI: T. Kodama, FY2024-2030) has started. TK is participating JSPS KAKENHI International Leading Research "Comprehensive understanding of the formation history of structures in the Universe" (PI: S. Miyazaki, 2022-2028). |
Formation of galaxies and their clusters was most active around 100-120 Gyrs ago. We aim to see the galactic Universe across this peak epoch and obtain global and statistical views of galaxy formation and evolution (macroscopic approach) and at the same time spatially resolve the internal structures and kinematics within individual galaxies to understand the physical processes directly (microscopic approach). With the observational data obtained through modern telescopes and the phenomenological models to interpret them, we are revealing how the galaxies and clusters form and grow.
Macroscopic Approach : PISCES, MAHALO-Subaru, HSC-HSC, SWIMS-18, ULTIMATE-Subaru, etc.
Microscopic Approach : GRACIAS-ALMA, GANBA-Subaru, ALMA-3D, ULTIMATE-Subaru, etc.
Phenomenological Models : Spectral synthesis model, Chemical evolution, etc.
Major collobators
Tadayuki Kodama (Dr./Prof.)
(Rm. S511, Science Complex C)
Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University
6-3 Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578
Tel: 022-795-6503, Fax: 022-795-6513